School Meals
- Children may either have a healthy cooked lunch supplied by contract caterers (HC3S) or bring a healthy packed lunch from home. Children having school lunches are able to pre-order the meal of their choice from the menu available. If you know your child is going to arrive at school after 10am, please ring the school office to book a meal;
- water is provided for all children at lunchtime;
- school meals are currently £3.20 per day, £16.00 per week;
- meals should be paid in advance weekly on the first day of the week. We encourage parents to pay for school meals using ParentMail. However, if you are unable to access ParentMail, dinner money should be enclosed in an envelope with your child’s name and class written on the front.
If you think your child may be entitled to Free School Meals you can check eligibility by going on to the following website: where you will get immediate confirmation. It is important for your child’s education that you register for free school meals if you are entitled as this does mean that your child will be eligible for additional resources (Pupil Premium funding) and does not mean your child cannot bring a packed lunch to school. If you have any queries on this matter, please contact our admin team in the first instance
Packed Lunches
At Bosmere we continually promote a healthy lifestyle, encouraging all pupils to take part in increased levels of activity and make healthy food choices. Bars of chocolate, sweets or fizzy drinks are not permitted in school, or to be taken on school visits.
We have a small number of children in school that may have an extreme reaction to any nut products in their immediate environment. For this reason do not send any nuts/nut products/peanut butter sandwiches etc. to school with your child for lunch.
Water Bottles
All children are provided with a water bottle by the PTA when starting school. Water bottles should be clearly marked with your child’s name and class, and children need to be reminded to take the bottles home daily to be cleaned.
Break Time Snacks
Children can bring in fresh fruit or vegetable snacks from home to eat at break time.