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Click on the 'governing body' link to view a list of current governors,with details of their responsibilites, dates of office, interests declared & meetings attendance etc.

The Governing Body does not manage the school - that is the job of the headteacher and the staff - but governors do oversee the development of the school, and support the headteacher in the running of the school through tasks such as setting the school's strategy, formulating policies and approving the budget.

Governors also appoint the Headteacher and Deputy Headteachers, and assist when required in staff recruitment.

The Governing Body is  made up of representatives of parents, staff and members of the local community to ensure a wide range of skills, interests and experience.

Meetings are held six times a year, always in the evening. In addition, most governors are members of at least one of three committees : Finance & Resources, Curriculum & Achievement, and School Support.

Others take responsibiliy for specific areas of importance to the school, e.g. Special Educational Needs, Health & Safety, Child Protection, Equalities, etc.

Individual governors also take responsibility for each  curriculum subject, and at least two governors are aligned to each year group to support year group activities & events, moving up through the school with the children each year.

Minutes of all meetings are available on request from the school office.

All governors have to attend an induction course locally, and subsequently have the opportunity to attend further, locally held,  courses on all aspects of governing work.

In addition, most governors make focused visits to the school from time to time, to observe or help in class (e.g. with reading). Governors also frequently assist at special events : in recent years this has included helping with the Christmas Fair, Super Stars Week, Sports Day, Buggy Building, Residential trips to Wales, Red Nose Day, the Tudor Banquet, Sport Relief, Roman Day, Cycling Proficiency Training and after-school Design Club and numerous school trips.

Governors are in attendance on Parents Evenings, to greet parents and direct them to their destination, if necessary. They often have displays or handouts on a topic of interest to parents on these nights. Every two years they give parents an opportunity to express their views of the school via an opinion survey, although parents are welcome to give feedback at any time. 

Bosmere governors receive no payment for their work, although travelling expenses may be claimed in some circumstances.Governors need no special qualifications; the only requirements are enthusiasm and a commitment to the school. Some employers allow time off for their employees to attend governor meetings.

Bosmere's governing body currently has no vacancies but anyone who is interested in filling any vacancy when one arises is encouraged to register their interest with the school office.  

Information about what is involved in becoming a school governor can be found via the county website at:

or else please feel free to contact any of the governors, via the school office, for first-hand information of what is involved in the role at Bosmere. 

The dates of the Full Governing Body meeting for the current academic year are  : -

  • Thursday September 19th 2024 @ 6.00 p.m.
  • Thursday November 28th 2024 @ 6.00 p.m.
  • Thursday January 30th 2025 @ 6.00 p.m.
  • Thursday March 20th 2025 @ 6.00 p.m.
  • Thursday May 15th  2025  @ 6.00 p.m.
  • Thursday July 3rd 2025  @ 5.00 p.m.