Information for Prospective Parents
Do you have a child who will need a Year 3 place in September next year? We would like to invite those parents who might be interested in a place at Bosmere Junior School to view the introductory resources that we have created to help you make that decision.
Normally we would invite prospective parents to our school for visits to meet the Headteacher and tour the school. Our next Open Day will be held in October 2024 (date tbc).
Our Headteacher, Mrs Kathryn Robinson, has recorded an introductory meeting for new parents and we have created a virtual tour.
The videos can be viewed here:
We hope you find the resources useful and if you have further questions after viewing them you can contact the school office via email at:
If you have difficulty hearing the commentary that accompanies each video, you can activate closed captions using the YouTube toolbar.