Governing Body Objectives
Bosmere Junior School
Governing Body Development Plan 2023–2024 - Summary
The School Improvement Plan for the academic year 2024-2025 has the following key objectives:
Key priority 1 - Continue to improve the quality of education, with a particular focus on the development of writing
Key priority 2 – Continue to improve behaviour, attitudes and personal development, with a particular focus on the promotion of the HEARTS values and cultural capital
Key priority 3 – Continue to improve leadership and management, in particular embedding the new leadership structure and ensuring effective use of time and resources.
To support these and improve the governance of the school, the Governing Body has set itself the following development objectives for academic year 2022-2023:
Objective 1
To focus on governor questioning and challenge
Success Criteria : -
- All governors are trained and confident to question and challenge
- Committee meetings show evidence of appropriate question and challenge
Planned Actions : -
- Attend Whole Governing body training on Effective Questioning on 22/2/24s
- Ensure that new governors understand ther role in terms of questioning and challenge
- Monitoring Headteacher report to FGB on SIP (Half termly).
- Governor attendance at twilight/ INSET days.
- School based governor volunteers feel confident to question and challenge
- Governor attendance at strategic planning sessions with SMT.
- Data scrutiny Curriculum and Achievement Committee (Termly).
- Guided learning walks/ Pupil interviews with a focus on reading.
Objective 2
To review the governing body and structure
Success Criteria : -
Produce a clear plan for committee meeting structure 2024- 25.
Removal of unnecessary duplication and feedback at FGB
Improved staff wellbeing from not attending multiple meetings.
Planned Actions : -
- Explore alternative meeting structures across a range of similar schools with the intention of making changes in 2024- 25. To be discussed at next SWG in January 2024.
- Enlist guidance of Clerk.
- Consider agenda items at committees to prevent duplication of information.
- Ensure all attendees read information ahead of the committee meetings.
- Invite any governor to sit on a committee to see how it works with a view to possibly joining it.
Objective 3
To seek opportunities to improve effective governance.
Success Criteria : -
- All governors are fully trained and conversant with their various roles.
- Governors feel better equipped to perform their roles and responsibilities.
- Impact of training can be monitored
- Governors experience collaborative working with a partner school.
Planned Actions : -
- Consider the Competency Framework against the Skills Audit and plan for future training as required.
- Update governor skills audit (By March 2024).
- Alert governors at each FGB meeting (Half termly) to any new training courses which have not been attended.
- Encourage all governors to attend at least two training sessions a year. Ensure that any governors with designated responsibilities, or who sit on a governor committee, undertake relevant training opportunities.
- Develop training feedback form for governors to complete.
- Build in opportunities at FGB to allow feedback following a training session ‘what should we do differently because of their training?’
- Convert from GovHub to Hampshire platform (Hampshire Governor Hub)
- Encourage the sharing of material from training courses and include on Hampshire Governor Hub.
- Collaborate with Fairfield Infant School to provide opportunities for cross- working such as governor panels. Consider additional training to perform such duties.