Governing Body
In accordance with government guidance, Bosmere's governing body reconstituted in May 2015 and now consists of 15 governors, made up of 4 parent governors (elected by the parent body), 1 Local Authority governor (nominated by the LA and appointed by the governing body), 1 staff governor (elected by the staff), 1 headteacher and 8 co-opted governors (appointed by the governing body).
The table below shows who the current governors are along with details of what committees they sit on and what other responsibilities they have.
Name Category of governor |
Committee membership Other responsibilities Subject responsibility Year Link details |
Pecuniary interests declared Start date / Date when term of office expires Meeting attendance record for Academic year 2023/24 |
Jackie Lowe Chair of Governors Co-opted Governor |
Nil 04.07.13 / 13.05.27 7/8 - 88% |
John Adam Co-opted Governor |
Curriculum & Achievement Committee R.E.
Employed by BJS 19.11.15/ 22.09.26 11/11- 100% |
Joanna Armitage Vice-chair of Governors Parent Governor |
Curriculum & Achievement Committee Strategic Working Group Governor Training HT Performance Management Panel Art Year 5 link governor |
13.07.22 / 12.07/2026 7/9 - 78% |
Joanna Brooks Co-opted Governor |
Curriculum & Achievement Committee (Chair) Pay Committee P.S.H.E. Year 3 link governor |
Nil 17.11.20 / 18.11.24 9/10 - 90% |
Nick Durkee Co-opted Governor |
Finance & Resources Committee (Chair) Pay Committee (reserve) Safer Recruitment trained Governor Visits Co-ordinator Strategic Working Group Maths Year 6 link governor |
Nil 05.10.95 / 13.05.27 13/14 - 93%
Was also a governor at Barncroft Primary School from 2010 to July 2020 |
Helen Faulkner Co-opted Governor |
Finance & Resources Committee Curriculum & Achievement Committee HT Performance Management Panel SEND & Vulnerable Children (inc. Pupil Premium, Looked-After Children, and More & Most Able) Safer Recruitment trained English/Drama & Library Year 6 link governor |
Nil 29.11.04 / 13.05.27 11/15- 73% |
Jenny Lane Co-opted Governor |
Pay Committee (chair) Safeguarding Health & Safety ECO schools governor Year 6 link governor Spanish |
Nil 29.11.18/ 28.11.26 6/8 - 75% |
Lee Nolan Parent Governor |
Finance & Resources Committee Health & Safety Year 4 link governor Geography |
Nil 01.05.24 /30/04/28 2/2 - 100% |
Martin Poliszczuk Co-opted Governor |
Curriculum & Achievement Committee Strategic Working Group History Year 3 link governor |
Nil 19.05.16/ 19.05.24 12/12 - 100% |
Mike Powell Parent Governor |
Curriculum & Achievement Committee P.E. Year 3 link governor |
13.07.22 / 12.07/2026 6/8 - 75% |
Kathryn Robinson Headteacher |
Finance & Resources Committee Curriculum & Achievement Committee Policies |
Employed by BJS 01.09.15 / n/a 16/16 - 100% |
Tam Simmons Co-opted governor |
Newly elected co-opted governor
Science |
Nil 04.07.24 / 03.07.28 1/1 - 100% |
Sarah Smith Parent Governor |
Finance & Resources Committee (Vice Chair) Pay Committee Music Forum Representative Year 4 link governor |
Nil 19.04.21 / 18.04.25 10/10 -100% |
Brian Swan
Local Authority Governor |
Finance & Resources Committee School Support Committee Pay Committee HT Performance Management Panel Safeguarding Health & Safety School Travel Plan Mental Health Governor Safer Recruitment trained ICT Year 5 link governor |
Nil 22.11.13 / 15.03.28 9/12 - 75% |
Gem Terry Staff Governor |
Curriculum & Achievement Committee ECO schools governor Spanish |
10/9/24 / 9/9/28 n/a
Karen Frost Clerk to the Governors |
n/a |
n/a |
The following were also governors during the academic years 2019-2024
Ellen Dawes Staff Governor |
10.10.22 / 23.07.24 6/7 - 86% |
Carla Eagle Parent Governor |
24.01.23 / 17.05.24 | |
Lizzie Faulkner Co-opted Governor |
23.01.20 / 22.01.24
Louis Wood Co-opted Governor |
16.09.21/ 01.10.22
Paul Bramhall Parent Governor |
8.2.19 / 7.7.22
Geoff Jones Parent Governor |
3.11.21 / 25.5.22
Liam Arstall Parent Governor |
16.10.17 / 15.10.21
Tracy Ware Parent Governor |
16.10.17 / 15.10.21
Alice Melly Co-opted Governor |
05.07.18/ 08.07.21
Fiona Willmot -Day Parent Governor |
07.11.18/ 19.11.20
Sarah Parker-Jervis Co-opted Governor |
17.01.13 / 11.07.20
Vickie Morgan Co-opted Governor |
17.11.16/ 31.07.19
Stuart Carter Staff Governor |
01.09.14 / 24.05.19
Carrie Martinson Parent Governor |
20.01.16/ 24.01.19