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Communication with School and Dates for the Term

Information from Mrs Robinson

Communication with School and Dates for the Term

Dear Parents

It has been so lovely to see so many of you again and to welcome all of the children back to school. You will be pleased to know that everyone had an excellent first day!

At Bosmere, we believe it is important to create a safe, respectful and inclusive environment for pupils, staff and parents in our school. We encourage clear, open communication links with parents as we believe it has a positive impact on pupils’ learning. It provides parents with the information they need to support their child’s education and helps to build a partnership between home and school. Such communication can be entirely positive and practical for example to seek information, ask a question, clear up a misunderstanding or to draw attention to a matter. Sometimes there is also a need to resolve an issue or misunderstanding.

To support with this we share class teachers' email addresses with parents.Class teachers will always be happy to answer any questions you may have related to your child's learning. Email is by far the quickest way of contacting your child's class teacher, and quite often a very quick answer to a question is all that is needed. However, please do be mindful of the fact that teachers have lives outside of school and may not respond immediately to a question. I do not have the expectation that they monitor their email addresses outside of the school day. They are also not able to monitor emails whilst they are teaching, so any urgent communications with the school should be made via the school office.

3B Mrs Barnard -
3D Miss Dawes -
3R Miss Rankin -

4AW Mrs Austen - (Monday - Wednesday) / Mrs White - (Thursday - Friday)
4B Mr Baker -
4S Mr Sherlock -

5DS Mrs Shore - (Monday - Tuesday) / Mrs Dawson - (Wednesday -  Friday)
5K Mr Kershaw -
5P Mr Parrack -

6B Mrs Browne -
6C Miss Calcott -
6R Mrs Reed -

Any questions which are NOT related to your child's learning need to be directed to the office staff or to our Home School Link Worker, Mrs Lever, or to Mr Adam or me if the matter is more urgent. Our email addresses are:

School Office -

Mrs Lever -

Mr Adam -

Mrs Robinson -

Remember also that you can always come to the main door to ask to speak to a member of staff if you need to. Mrs Lever is usually by the front door at the start of the day and available to talk to parents. Mr Adam or I will also be available to talk to parents on the main gate each morning. Please could we ask any parents wishing to speak to one of us to come to main gate and not Park Road South Gate, as the main responsibility of the adult near the Park Road South gate will be supervising the children on the playground. Parents are not allowed onto the playground at the start of the day.

Also attached to this email are the important dates for this term. Please make sure that you read these through carefully!

There will also be a year group email next week which will provide further information about homework and how you can support your child at home.

Our newsletters will be coming out at the end of each half term. As well as lots of news about what the children have been up to in schools, the newsletter also includes important information about upcoming events and the dates for future terms, so please make sure you read this. Copies can also be found on our website.

We are looking forward to continuing to foster a strong relationship with all our parents so that we can work together to ensure we have happy and successful children at Bosmere.

Kind regards

Kathryn Robinson