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Governing Body Objectives

Bosmere Junior School

Governing Body Development Plan 2022–2023 - Summary

The School Improvement Plan for the academic year 2022-2023 has the following key objectives:

Key priority 1 - Continue to improve the quality of education, with a particular focus on the development of early reading and phonics

Key priority 2 – Continue to improve behaviour, attitudes and personal development, with a particular focus on positive mental health

Key priority 3 – Continue to improve leadership and management to maintain strong shared values, policies and practice at all levels

To support these and improve the governance of the school, the Governing Body has set itself the following development objectives for academic year 2022-2023:

Objective 1

To develop the leadership and overall performance of the governing body

Success Criteria : -

Every member makes a regular contribution to the development of the governing body utilising the skills and strengths that they bring to the governing body

Planned Actions : -

  • Annual updating of skills audit
  • Encourage all new governors to complete skills audit as part of their induction
  • Signpost training opportunities appropriate to governor role and ensure that it is up to date
  • Monitor governor training and encourage the sharing and application of knowledge
  • Target new governors especially Year 3 parents and look for opportunities to promote the work of the governing body
  • Staff/ parent survey about their views of the FGB
  • Ensure all monitoring opportunities are fully utilised
  • Annual review of the governing body performance

Objective 2

To engage with the school community, the wider school sector, and the outside world

Success Criteria : -

  • The governing body regularly communicates with parents and the local community.
  • Governors collaborate with other schools and other sectors, locally and nationally

Planned Actions : -

  • Publish governor newsletter
  • Develop governor pen portrait
  • Work alongside another governing board
  • Collate summary of key networks Bosmere Governors are involved with
  • Advertising networking local businesses, charities, and complementary services
  • Ensure regular attendance at governor forums and the annual Hampshire governor conference with all governors given the opportunity to attend

Objective 3

To engage in effective succession planning

Success Criteria : -

  • Governing body remains open to new thinking and has an active membership
  • Committee structures are clear with opportunities for succession planning identified
  • Potential Chairs are encouraged to put themselves forward for new roles

Planned Actions : -

  • Establish best practice by defining the length of service for Chair of governors and committee chairs
  • Produce a governor questionnaire to gauge interest to assume new roles
  •  Attend leadership training to develop confidence to take on more responsibility
  • Succession planning workshops