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Young Person's Safe Haven

Details about a drop-in service

Young Person’s Safe Haven has some exciting news... we are returning to our drop-in service on Tuesday 19th of October.  

Young people do not need an appointment or a referral to attend any part of the Young Person’s Safe Haven service. 

Opening Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 5 pm to 8 pm

Location: The Pallant Centre, Havant, PO9 1BE.

Young Person’s Safe Haven offers one-to-one support sessions, wellbeing group sessions, mindfulness and arts & craft.  

Our one-to-one mental health support sessions can provide a confidential safe space whilst a wellbeing practitioner offers self-harm/suicide safety planning, teaching healthy coping strategies, mindfulness and signposting.  

Wellbeing groups centre around a mental health and wellbeing topic, with small activities, open and safe discussions, a chance to meet other young people and much more.  

This is then followed by an arts and craft session related to the well-being topic where young people can express themselves creating something that can then be taken away with them. Finally, the evening will end with a mindfulness session.  

  • 5pm to 7:30pm – One-to-one support sessions are available through the evening
  • 5pm to 6pm – Small wellbeing activities and a calm, quiet space
  • 6pm to 7pm – Wellbeing Group Sessions including a range of wellbeing topics
  • 7pm to 7:45pm – Arts and craft session, get creative and make something that can be taken home with you
  • 7:45pm to 8pm – the last 15 minutes are to relax and wind down with a mindfulness session before you leave at 8pm

Please find attached the Young Person’s Safe Haven’s poster as well as a professional/young person's information sheet. We ask that you please share this poster with colleagues and acquaintances as well as printing them out and putting them on display.  

If you have any further questions do get in contact with us. 

Freephone number: 0300 303 1580 


Please note our phone line and email are only monitored during opening hours 

Kind regards,

Children & Young People's Safe Haven Team

Havant & East Hants Mind