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Eco News October 2023

Rain Gauges

We watched a YouTube video clip of heavy rain and looked at a chart showing monthly average rainfall in Havant; 8cm in October.

We talked about people who live in areas of the world where there is very little rain, where children have to carry water for long distances to provide for their families. (See the 'How Far Can You Carry Water?' sheet downloadable below.)

We upcycled empty plastic bottles to create rain gauges to take home. (Download the instructions below.) Click here for more photos.


Pre-Loved Uniform Event

Thanks to our Eco Club members who helped to set up the pre-loved uniform event (and some wonderful parent and staff volunteers) which saved a huge quantity of unwanted clothing from going into landfill and raised £87.22 for the PTA through donations.



Learning how to help hibernating Hedgehogs

We looked on the hedgehog street website ( and found some facts about hibernating hedgehogs (downloadable below), how to make a hedgehog feeding station (also downloadable below), and how we can help to protect them in our gardens.


Making Lavender Bags

We used Lavender flowers cut and dried on the Bosmere school grounds, together with recycled fabrics, to make lavender bags to take home. to help us get a good night's sleep. (Maybe not quite as long as a hibernating hedgehog!)

Click here for more photos.

Those people who were not keen to handle the lavender flowers used donated mealworms to stock up our bird table to feed our local bird population.

Autumn Bark and Leaf Rubbings

Mrs North was welcomed as an Eco Club parent volunteer. Thank you, Mrs North!

Eco Club enjoyed making colourful rubbing of tree bark and leaves in the copse and in the area around the Learning Tree. We were able to identify different trees against charts and created some wonderful works of art. Click here for more photos.


Eco Club were invited to create new posters for our Books on Legs bookcase in the school porch.

Southern Water Trough

On 31st Oct 2023, Eco Club helped two gardeners from Southern Water to plant up a huge trough outside the conservatory. The trough will be watered using rain water directed from the roof gutters above via a new rainwater pipe. Eco Club were shown how to choose the best place for each plant, how to dig a hole the correct size, and then to carefully transfer the plant from its pot into the hole.

With thanks to Southern Water for donating the trough, compost and plants, and for their time in guiding Eco Club through the process of planting.

We finished off by installing in amongst the plants an unusual new bug house, kindly donated by Ms Carew.

For more photos click here.